Unconditional love, has never been a thing. All people have to give freely and accept freely. This article lacks some well roundedness with certain ideas. You're speaking about hyper independence and how it's skewed unrealistic standards.
However, women are the relationship--- they have the most power. Being a real provider means to provide in every aspect of a relationship, emotional, mental, physical, financially--- overall. Women are already doing the load on all of these fronts for decades. It's not an idea that fits well considering the standard has to be raised. As for men being raised better, yes that's the obvious understanding. We live in a world constructed for men by men, even if they reap the byproducts of it. I have seen women who have raised standards in relationships (i.e no 50/50 and being provided for, while having their own finances) to be the happiest and most successful relationships. It makes the core energies and man and woman simpler and fulfilling.