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The #1 Thing to Look For In a Man’s Masculinity.
It’s simple yet so profound and beautiful.
Note: I don’t hate men, and these articles establish a balance in humanity rather than the oversaturated “I hate men” content online. I’m definitely critical of men who don’t contribute to safety in society.
Humans are fickle-minded and masculinity unbalanced falls prey to lust and ego.
A lot of people don’t seem to expand their horizons on how alignment with the universe is key to a simpler life. They think going against the universe is exactly how they achieve what they want — — but how do you even know the grand scheme of things?
When it comes to relationships I’ve noticed men are afraid of investing in their woman, often creating a self-fulfilling prophecy that she will cheat.
Instead of vetting values and truly reading her, I see the labeling experiences based on their past. What men fail to think about, is that women rise up from violent experiences with men — there’s no other option.
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