Member-only story
Don’t Be Blind
If you’re dicey on your standards, here’s a reality check.
I have a scientific mind when it comes to approaching things — I don’t think conventionally and I see life as like multiple parts of a puzzle.
However, some people have come up to me wanting advice but not willing to be open-minded. I find it redundant. What is the point?
They say I have problematic beliefs or generalize things, but I consider it the opposite. I consider it that no one checks how people are a part of a system because we’re raised to think independently instead of as a collective. Also, what do you want to hear then?
Having high standards comes from having a mindset consisting of the following: abundance vs scarcity, understanding your own power and mind, self-obsession, and discipline.
Once you start on this journey, there’s no going back. Your reality changes, as the subconscious dictates 95% of your reality.
In immigrant cultures, we’re raised as “yes-man” people and people who adhere to neutrality rather than speaking the truth. In return, you have people who have the say of others weigh more than the say of their own mind. You can see this mindset hurts people the most when it’s time to establish your authority — — i.e. pursue a business or find a romantic partner.