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2023 Writing Recap
My top three best articles plus some secrets revealed.
I thought right before 2024 starts, I should talk about a few of my best-earning articles. Not because I’m here to brag, but because there was more to the context that I couldn’t deliver at the time.
I also think it’s essential going into 2024 that we bring in a sense of peace and positivity so that we don’t stay stuck in the same place.
#1 There’s no virtue in being a simple person.
I wrote this article after seeing a pattern among the average population.
The quote says those who are believed to be most abject and humble, are the most ambitious and envious.
Abundance is an energetic level, the whole world functions on it — — whether it be luxury or nature. The things we desire, loving friends or romantic relationships, are also material desires.
Whenever I heard desi or people of other races exemplify humbleness, it often came with envy. Or a disgust for the wealthy.